Work from home and the ongoing pandemic

Issac Thomas
May 13, 2021
Photo by Wouter on Unsplash

Work from home,


Work from home during a pandemic are two different things.

In the second scenario, it’s much harder.

When social media feeds become obituary columns,

People you know are no more,

Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash

It all gets a bit too tiring.

You type words while those images keep looming in your head.

Day by day your willpower reserves keep depleting,

As the death toll increases and the ongoing chaos seems never-ending.

Living every day,

Working every day,

Every breath I take seem like a blessing,


Every second I live feels like a bonus.

Photo by Aashish R Gautam on Unsplash

Yes, I want to make the best out of it,

But at times my hands shiver, and I fall short of what I want to achieve…


