From 81 kgs to 73kgs- I lost 8 kgs in four months

Issac Thomas
2 min readJul 4, 2019

I lost 8kgs in the past four months. From 81 kgs to 73kgs. And, yes it is hard to melt all that accumulated fat from the body. You curse yourself for living all this while irresponsibly.

Now, why did I decide to shed those extra kilos?

Because I want to love myself a bit more. I want to be faster, quicker, and lighter. And it makes me feel good.

Now, how did I lose weight?

I almost run three to four times a week. I mix it up with a few bodyweight exercises called the “Royal court” taught by Matt Furey. Some squats, some pushups, and a few bridges. And a few yoga asanas as well that I learned during my college days. This is what I do consistently, apart from that I occasionally go to the gym and try lifting weights and fail miserably. Lifting weights is one of the toughest things to do, hats off to all the gym freaks.

If you ask me about my diet, it is the same, I am a foodie, and I eat anything that pleases my tastebuds. That’s why I got a weird figure :-p similar to a muscular potato with a slight tummy coming out. Can’t help it, those love handles are stubborn and won’t go easily but I am determined and the war is on.

If the body is a temple, this time I am going to be a dedicated worshipper.

Need to get below 70kgs in the next 2 months.

